Life itself is the Adventure these days. I would love to find myself off on some adventure of fun and discovery. Instead I find myself entrenched in the real life adventure of this current world situation.
I would have never believed that cruising would be adrift at sea with no passengers. I am very glad that Susan & I along with a group of friends had the chance to cruise the first of February this year. Our second cruise adventure for this year was cancelled way before the pandemic hit.
Susan was more anxious to reschedule as the pandemic hit and cruising came to a halt While I worked at my homeport job (who knew that my support job was essential). Susan kept sending me new cruises that she found that she was interested in. She has been home laid off with not much to do. Searching, researching, and planning has always been her pleasure activity.
I was hesitant about rescheduling. The cruise lines have all been optimistic about returning dates. I, however, have been skeptical as I watch the development around the world and the role of the CDC. I feared that it would not return quickly. Unfortunately, I have been correct. I told Susan to stop looking for this fall and focus on next year.
Finally Susan sent me a cruise far enough in the future and interesting enough for me to actually feel like booking a cruise. But we still needed to re-book our cancelled cruise on the Mardi Gras. I booked our the first cruise for next year for Susan’s birthday week, we booked one that is right after my birthday 2022. And then I let her sneak in one more between the two cruises. So we have three cruises booked.
So while we wait out the no travel and no cruise days, hoping eventually we can return safely back to our Sisters Travel Adventures, We dream about traveling and cruising.
Although I am hesitant still about the certainty of when it will be safe to travel, I know that I can not deny the passion that is pushed down inside my soul right now. It is screaming to be let loose but until it is safe to do so I will just focus on preparing for that day when it arrives.
Life is sometimes a wild ride upon the waves or like being stranded on a distant shore waiting for the boat to arrive. I will ride out the storm and wait for the ships to once again begin to take passengers out to distant shores to explore all the world has to offer.
I know that adventure and discoveries still are awaiting for us all to experience each place, each experience. I won’t loose faith, but I will preceded with caution.
Sometimes we have to explore virtually. Researching and learning about someplace new is important in preparing and choosing the right adventure for you.
So we are in a place where we dream, research, and explore the options so when the time is right our first journey back out into the world of travel will be just what we need to connect back with the world at large.
Hopefully, in our pause we learn how to be better travelers, more compassionate, patient and understanding to the places we visit and the people we meet along the way.
(I must admit, however, from what I have witnessed on our island during these last few months I am disheartened that is not what is happening. And that is a story I may tell someday but all I want to do right now is have hope for the future and dream about returning to the sea and to sail Sisters Travel Adventures again )
Being both a tourist and a resident of a tourist island. I see both sides. It is a place of mutual respect.
Looking forward to sailing the seas again in May 2020 on the Carnival Radiance, Nov/Dec 2020 on the Carnival Sunrise and finally on the New Mardi Gras March 2022. And who knows what adventures we fit in between.