Category: Todays Thoughts
Hesitant to Dream of Cruising
I, Cathy here, have been having a hard time even thinking about writing about cruising or traveling. I haven’t… read more Hesitant to Dream of Cruising
Forever Since Our Last Adventure
It’s seems like it has been forever since our last Sisters Travel Adventure. Well it has been a long time… read more Forever Since Our Last Adventure
Closer but Not Home Yet
Yesterday we drove from Ashville to Surf City. It was a long winding road around flooded areas and closed roads…. read more Closer but Not Home Yet
Vacation to Evacuation
Last week I was on the Carnival Paradise enjoying a Sisters Travel Adventure. By Saturday I knew I was going… read more Vacation to Evacuation
Island Life – Surf City Bridge Update
As tourists begin arriving on the island for a new season, I have been inundated with questions about the new… read more Island Life – Surf City Bridge Update
I got it! I think Almost.
I started writing this morning working on a piece about how I came to love the beach, travel and cruising… read more I got it! I think Almost.
Island Life as I Know it is Slipping Away Day by Day….
The island life as I have known it is slipping away day by day. I watch the pilings and progress on… read more Island Life as I Know it is Slipping Away Day by Day….
Where has the Summer Gone??
To begin with I must apologize for disappearing this summer. Summer time is always a busy time of year here on Topsail Island. This summer has been no exception.
Tourists have arrived in swarms it seems. Keeping the shops and stores busy. It makes our work days longer with little time off. That is great for the local economy that relies so much on these few short months to survive all year.
Todays Thought: Thunderstorms
we had a torrential downpour and awe inspiring thunderstorm. We could see it building south of us. And then lightening not only lit up the sky but crashed down around us. Several strikes on the island caused power outages. Emergency vehicles were out and about everywhere. The sirens screamed and screamed for at least an hour.
Todays Thoughts: A Sunday in June
This morning, a June Sunday morning, I woke to the sunrise. I headed for the beach early before the crowd would become to arrive. The tide was low, the sun was heating up already. It is going to be a hot one today. There is a slight cooling breeze off the ocean helping the beach feel comfortable at the moment.